Sunday, 11 September 2011

Complete VSRO server files released

Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Party 3 :

Password : fortheworstcommunityever

Blitzkrieq - BlackRogue

Well, next target is going to be black rogue servers.

11.9.2011 - Databases released [package 1]

Vietnam SRO databases released (shard initialization, account, shard initialization log).

SRO_VT_SHARD_INIT_db_201108210200.BAK [CRC : A195B5BF]
SRO_VT_ACCOUNT_db_201108210200.BAK [CRC : 5A9D4ABB]
 Log_DB_db_201108210200.BAK [CRC : 69BB9B25]

 Size : 36,493,754 bytes

11.9.2011 - Databases

So, first package is coming in few minutes, and it will contain original databases (account database, shard initialization database, and shard initialization log database).

So, the time has come. Files goes in public pretty soon..

So, i've decided to release VSRO server files in public.

Here is how i'll do it : In a some certain time period, i will post a 100MB large .rar archive each time period i still have to decide.